Football Parallax
Client / Montespaccato Football Club / Effects of displacement and movement of the subjects starting from simple photographs.
Sports Video Reel
Client / Vamos Sports Production / Sports video reel, editing, motion, vfx, photo-compositing and cover realisation.
Cacahuètes Sluts -Paris Nord-
Client / Woman Football Team Cacahuetes Sluts, Paris / Video and motion-parallax.
Cubeflip Game
Client / WeQ Global - WeQ Studios / Advertising cration intro to introduce the customer/gamer to the reality of the game.
Berlin Kinetic Typo
Client / Pako Massimo / The history of Berlin, styles and uses in a kinetic typography motion video.
Italian Cooking School - Motion intro
Client / Foto Aminta for Italian Cooking School / Logo animation and video intro to the cooking program "Italian Cooking School" managed by Chef Carmen of Sorrento.